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August 4, 2023by dealmanager

Indeed, the question of whether to splurge on a more expensive roof is one that likely keeps you awake at night, causing you to ponder if this could be a wise investment or merely a financial pitfall. Let’s be real, considering the significant expenses entailed, this isn’t a decision to be made lightly. Roofing, a critical component of your home, not only shields your dwelling from harsh weather conditions but also boosts your property’s aesthetics and overall value. So, in unraveling this enigma with Deal Construction, we’re discussing more than just construction materials—we’re exploring the protective layer that safeguards your loved ones, your valuable items, and your cherished memories. Join us as we dissect the complex world of premium roofing and determine whether its potential advantages are worth its considerable cost.

Understanding the Basics: What Is Roofing?

The Role of a Roof

Roofs are more than just the top layer of a building; they are critical structures providing multiple benefits. Primarily, they act as a physical barrier against the elements, safeguarding your home from rain, snow, wind, hail, and the scorching sun. This protection extends to preventing leaks and water damage that could undermine the integrity of your house over time.

But a roof’s role goes beyond merely providing shelter. It also significantly contributes to your home’s energy efficiency. With proper insulation, a roof can maintain a steady indoor temperature, reducing the need for artificial heating or cooling and, in turn, saving you money on utility bills.

Lastly, a roof also adds aesthetic value to your home. The right choice of roofing material can complement your home’s architectural style and increase its curb appeal, potentially raising your property’s market value.

Types of Roofing Materials

Today’s roofing market offers a vast array of materials to meet varying preferences, budget constraints, and functional requirements. Here’s a rundown of the most commonly used roofing materials:

  • Asphalt Shingles: Leading the pack in popularity in the U.S., asphalt shingles are lauded for their cost-effectiveness and straightforward installation process. Available in a spectrum of colors to suit different architectural styles, these shingles can provide reliable service for up to three decades with the right upkeep.
  • Clay and Concrete Tiles: For those prioritizing durability and resistance against fire and pests, clay and concrete tiles are the top contenders. They boast a distinctive, timeless appeal that can elevate a home’s aesthetic quotient. However, these materials tend to be heavier and carry a steeper price tag than asphalt.
  • Slate Roofing: Occupying the higher end of the roofing spectrum, slate roofing wins points for its refined looks and impressive lifespan. Its fire-resistant quality and low maintenance needs make it a worthy investment, despite the high initial cost and complex installation process.
  • Wood Shakes or Shingles: For homes aiming for a rustic, organic charm, nothing beats wood shakes or shingles. They age gracefully, but they do demand regular maintenance to stave off decay and may not be the best choice for regions with high fire risk.
  • Metal Roofing: A champion of durability, lightness, and eco-friendliness, metal roofing is increasingly gaining favor. Its reflective surface can help maintain a cooler indoor temperature during hot summers, although it may come at a higher cost than asphalt or wood.
  • Synthetic Roofing Products: Synthetic roofing strikes a compelling balance between durability, low maintenance, and versatility. It convincingly replicates the appearance of more luxurious materials like slate or wood, typically at a fraction of the cost. However, its long-term performance may be inconsistent and requires further investigation.

Each of these roofing materials brings unique benefits to the table, allowing homeowners to select the option that best aligns with their needs and budget.

Roofing Insurance Claims: What You Need to Know

The Cost Factor: Why are Some Roofs More Expensive?

Material Quality

The caliber of materials employed is one of the key determinants of the cost of a roof. Premium roofing materials are generally more robust, enduring, and aesthetically superior to their cheaper counterparts. While the initial outlay might be higher, the robustness of high-quality materials can make them more cost-effective in the long run. They are less likely to deteriorate quickly or suffer damage, reducing the likelihood of future repair or replacement costs.

Longevity and Durability

The durability and lifespan of a roof are also significant factors influencing its price. Premium roofs, albeit more expensive up front, are engineered to stand the test of time and the elements. Take the case of slate roofing: while the initial cost might induce a gulp, this natural stone product can serve your home for over a century with minimal upkeep. This longevity can provide peace of mind and justify the higher initial investment, potentially saving money in the long run by avoiding frequent roof replacements.


The aesthetic factor also contributes to a roof’s price tag. Higher-end roofs typically provide a unique, sophisticated look that can greatly enhance a home’s curb appeal. This aesthetic appeal extends beyond personal pride in a beautiful home – it can also make a significant difference when selling your property, attracting potential buyers and potentially boosting its market value.

Crunching the Numbers: The Long-term Cost-Benefit Analysis

Lifespan and Maintenance Cost

While the initial price tag of a cheaper roof might seem appealing, it’s crucial to consider the overall lifespan and maintenance costs for a comprehensive financial understanding. Economical roofing materials often have a significantly shorter lifespan and may necessitate more recurrent repairs and maintenance. Over time, the costs of these repeated minor repairs, along with the inconvenience of more frequent roofing issues, can accumulate, making the initially ‘cheaper’ option potentially more expensive in the long run. Furthermore, consider the added costs if the cheaper roof fails prematurely, resulting in complete roof replacement before the usual end of a roof’s life expectancy.

Energy Efficiency

When it comes to the long-term cost-benefit analysis of roofing, energy efficiency plays a vital role. More expensive, high-quality roofing materials often come with superior insulation properties. This superior insulation maintains a more consistent indoor temperature, independent of the weather conditions outside. Whether it’s the harsh sun of summer or the biting cold of winter, a well-insulated roof can help maintain your home’s comfort while using less energy. This efficient temperature regulation can considerably reduce energy consumption for heating and cooling, leading to significant savings on utility bills over the lifespan of the roof. In essence, an energy-efficient roof could pay for itself in savings over time, making it a smart investment.

Resale Value

Lastly, but certainly, not least, a high-quality roof can substantially enhance the resale value of your home. Potential homebuyers are savvy; they understand and appreciate the long-term benefits that accompany a premium roof – including durability, aesthetic appeal, and reduced future maintenance. A home with a high-quality roof is likely to stand out in the competitive property market. Not only does this increase your chances of securing a quicker sale, but it could also command a higher selling price. While a high-quality roof comes with a higher initial investment, it could potentially yield a profitable return when it’s time to sell your home, thereby offsetting the initial expense.

Making the Decision: Is Expensive Roofing Worth It?

Having explored the factors that contribute to a roof’s cost and the long-term implications, it’s clear that the answer to whether expensive roofing is worth it largely depends on individual circumstances.

If you’re planning to live in your home for a long time, a high-end roof might be a wise investment. It can provide superior protection, require less maintenance, boost your home’s resale value, and save on energy costs. On the other hand, if you’re preparing to sell or move in a few years, a less expensive but quality roof could be a more practical choice.

In summary, expensive roofing can be worth it, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Deciding on a roofing material and whether to go for a higher-priced option should be a carefully thought-out decision based on your specific circumstances and long-term plans.


    1. What is a roofing insurance claim?
      • A roofing insurance claim is a request made to an insurance company for compensation for damages or loss to your roof. This could be due to various reasons like weather conditions, accidents, or general wear and tear.
    2. How do I file a roofing insurance claim?
      • Start by contacting your insurance company as soon as possible after noticing the damage. Document everything, take clear pictures of the damage, and keep a record of all related expenses. It’s advisable to hire a professional roofing contractor to inspect the damage as they can provide a detailed report to support your claim.
    3. Can I file a claim for any type of roof damage?
      • This largely depends on your insurance policy and the cause of damage. Regular wear and tear or damages due to poor maintenance are usually not covered. Always check the terms of your policy and consult with your insurance company.
    4. What does the roofing insurance claim process involve?
      • After you file a claim, an adjuster from the insurance company will inspect the damage. They will then determine if your claim is valid and assess the cost of repair or replacement. You’ll be provided with a settlement offer, which you can accept or negotiate.
    5. Can my claim be denied?
      • Yes, insurance companies can deny claims based on various reasons, such as damages falling outside the terms of your policy or lack of proof. That’s why it’s crucial to understand your policy well and document all damages.
    6. What happens if I disagree with the adjuster’s assessment?
      • If you disagree with the adjuster’s evaluation, you can seek a second opinion. Consider hiring a public adjuster or a roofing contractor with experience in insurance claims to inspect the damages and estimate the repair cost.
    7. How long does it usually take to process a roofing insurance claim?
      • The duration can vary greatly depending on the complexity of the claim, the insurance company’s response time, and the efficiency of your documentation. On average, it can take between 30 to 60 days.
    8. Can I do the repairs myself and get reimbursed?
      • While some minor repairs might be manageable, it’s typically recommended to hire a professional to ensure the repairs are done correctly and safely. Insurance companies usually require professional estimates and invoices to process a claim.
    9. How can a roofing contractor assist in the insurance claim process?
      • A reputable roofing contractor can provide a detailed assessment of the damage, help document it, provide a quote for repairs or replacement, and even assist in negotiating with the insurance company.
    10. What should I consider when selecting a contractor for roof repair or replacement?
      • Check their licensing and insurance, experience, especially with insurance claims, reviews and ratings, and the quality of their customer service. Also, ensure they provide a detailed written estimate for the work.

    Remember, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with your insurance policy and communicate regularly with your insurance provider to navigate through a roofing insurance claim successfully.

July 20, 2023by dealmanager

Like a chapter in the book of homeownership, we’ve all experienced the nuisance of a leaky roof. This inconvenience, sometimes escalating to substantial damage, can keep us awake at night—literally. But the question of when it’s time to swap a patch-up job for a full roof replacement can be quite perplexing. Today, we’re diving into this subject, shedding light on five critical signs that it might be time to consult with a professional company like Deal Construction for a complete roof replacement.

1. Age of the Roof

Life Expectancy of Your Roofing Material

Roofs, much like anything else in this world, aren’t immune to the effects of time. As the year’s roll by, your roof may gradually lose its effectiveness at shielding your home from nature’s elements. Expert consensus suggests that the lifespan of a typical roof ranges between 20 and 25 years. Several factors can affect this timeline, such as whether the existing roof was entirely removed before installing a new one and whether there’s only a single layer of shingles. Additionally, proper ventilation plays a critical role in preserving your roof’s longevity. If you discover that your roof was laid over a pre-existing layer, or perhaps multiple layers, and it’s aged beyond 20 years, the signs point to a need for a roof replacement.

2. Shingles are Curling and Buckling

Curling Shingles

The state of your shingles can reveal a lot about the health of your roof. Shingles have a tendency to curl in two distinct ways: ‘cupping,’ which occurs when the edges of the shingles begin to curl upwards, and ‘clawing,’ where the middle of the shingle starts to rise. Both are tell-tale signs of weathering and serve as indicators of potential trouble, possibly leaks, looming on the horizon.

Buckling Shingles

Buckling shingles are not just a cosmetic issue but a clear sign of underlying structural problems. Buckling, which manifests as a visible distortion running vertically up your roof’s slope, is a telltale symptom of an aging roof system. Buckled shingles are highly vulnerable – wind can tear them off with surprising ease, leaving your home exposed to the elements. The risk is especially high in areas with frequent strong winds or storms. Moreover, buckled shingles become prime targets for ice damage during winter months, accelerating the deterioration process. This increased susceptibility to weather damage means that if buckling shingles are a widespread issue on your roof, it’s probably time for a comprehensive roof replacement.

5 Signs It's Time to Replace Your Roof

3. Roof Valleys

The valleys of your roof, where two sloping roofs intersect, are crucial to the effective drainage of rain and melting snow. They guide these elements away from the roof, preventing accumulation that can lead to leaks or structural damage. If shingles in these areas are breaking down or missing entirely, it’s an almost certain indicator that you need a new roof. This sign should not be taken lightly because once the integrity of the valleys is compromised, it can drastically increase your home’s susceptibility to water damage. Regularly inspecting these areas, especially after harsh weather, can prevent small issues from escalating into major problems, like severe leaks or even water damage within the interior of your home.

4. Chimney Flashing

The chimney flashing is a critical component of your roof that seals and protects the joint between the roof and the chimney. If your flashing consists of roof cement or tar, it may not withstand the test of time or harsh weather. These materials, while initially effective, can crack and degrade over time, leading to water seepage. Replacing these outdated materials with a long-term, water-tight metal flashing system can dramatically increase your roof’s durability. Metal flashing systems offer superior resistance against water intrusion, substantially reducing the risk of leaks around your chimney.

5. Daylight Through the Roof Boards

Feeling like you’re walking on a trampoline when you’re on your roof is a serious sign that the roof structure is compromised. This sensation can be caused by moisture weakening the underlying decking of your roof. A more alarming symptom is seeing daylight seeping through the roof boards. This calls for immediate attention as it’s indicative of gaps or holes in your roof, which not only let in light but also water and cold air. Inspecting your attic for such issues is a vital part of home maintenance. Look for daylight coming through the roof boards and for moisture in the insulation, which might suggest that water is getting past your shingles and underlayment. These symptoms signal a significant problem that may require a full roof replacement.

Keeping an eye out for these signs can be the difference between replacing your roof now or dealing with extensive damage later. If you spot any of these signs, it’s best to get a professional opinion. An experienced roofer can assess the condition of your roof and advise you on the most suitable solution, be it repair or replacement.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How long does a typical roof last? Most roofs last between 20 to 25 years, provided they were well installed and there are no multiple layers of shingles.

2. What causes shingles to curl and buckle? Curling and buckling of shingles are typically caused by weathering and can indicate potential leaks.

3. Why are roof valleys important? Roof valleys are crucial as snow and rain flow through valleys into gutters. If compromised, you might be at risk for roof leaks.

4. What is the best material for chimney flashing? Metal flashing systems are the most durable and water-tight solution for chimney flashing.

5. How can I check if there’s damage from the inside of the house? Check your attic for daylight coming through roof boards and for moisture in the insulation.

July 11, 2023by dealmanager

We all know that maintaining a sturdy roof above our heads is paramount to our home’s overall health. But often, we overlook common roofing mistakes that can lead to significant issues down the line. Let’s delve deeper into these common errors and how to avoid them, shall we?

1. Inadequate Roofing Material Selection

Often, homeowners are drawn toward the aesthetic appeal of roofing materials without considering their functionality. However, different climates require different roofing materials for maximum efficiency and longevity. For example, metal roofs, while ideal in areas prone to wildfires due to their high fire resistance, may not perform as well in coastal regions because of the potential for corrosion from salty sea air. Therefore, it’s crucial to research or consult with a roofing professional about the best roofing materials suited to your geographical location and climate. Moreover, different materials also have different lifespans and maintenance needs. By selecting the right material, not only do you enhance your home’s curb appeal but you also save on costly repairs or early replacement in the future.

2. Poor Installation

Roof installation is a complex process that demands precision and expertise. Unfortunately, poor installation ranks high among common roofing mistakes. Shortcuts during installation, such as improperly aligned shingles or inadequate sealing, could lead to serious issues like leaks, poor insulation, and in extreme cases, even a total roof collapse. Hiring a certified roofing contractor ensures that installation follows industry standards and best practices. Besides, certified contractors often offer warranties on their work, giving you peace of mind that any future problems due to installation errors will be covered.

3. Neglecting Ventilation

Proper roof ventilation is an often overlooked aspect of a sound roofing system. Just like wearing a fur coat in a sauna would be highly uncomfortable, a house with poor roof ventilation can trap heat and moisture, leading to a host of problems. These include warping of the roof structure, growth of mold, and a significant reduction in the roof’s lifespan. The heat buildup could also make your home unbearably hot in summer, forcing your cooling system to work overtime and thus inflating your energy bills. Therefore, ensure that your roof has sufficient ventilation to allow hot air to escape and cool air to enter.

4. Overlooking Insulation

Insulation plays a critical role in maintaining the comfort of your home and the efficiency of your heating and cooling systems. Without adequate insulation, your home could lose a significant amount of heat in winter and absorb excessive heat in summer, leading to skyrocketing energy bills. Additionally, improper insulation can lead to ice dam formation in winter, causing water to back up under the shingles and potentially leading to leaks. It’s essential to regularly check your roof’s insulation and upgrade it if necessary, ensuring that it meets the recommended standards for your area.

5. Not Hiring Professionals

Roofing is a specialized job that requires a specific set of skills, much like a car mechanic doesn’t suddenly decide to perform brain surgery. While it might be tempting to save some money by hiring a general contractor or attempting a DIY project, the potential for costly errors is high. Professional roofers have the training, experience, and tools necessary to install, repair, and maintain roofs. They also stay updated with the latest industry standards and regulations. Investing in professional roofing services can save you from costly repairs and unnecessary headaches down the line.

Common Roofing Mistakes To Avoid

6. Ignoring Small Repairs

Ignoring small repairs, like minor leaks or damaged shingles, might seem inconsequential at first. However, these “minor” issues can quickly escalate into major problems if left unchecked. For example, a small leak can lead to moisture build-up, encouraging mold growth and damaging the structural integrity of your roof over time. Regular roof inspections can help identify and address these minor issues early on, preventing them from developing into significant, more costly problems in the future.

7. Forgetting Routine Maintenance

Routine maintenance is key to extending the lifespan of your roof and preserving its optimal performance. Much like how you wouldn’t drive your car without regular maintenance, your roof also needs consistent care. Regular inspections can spot potential problems early, saving you time, money, and stress in the long run. Routine maintenance tasks include clearing debris from the roof surface, cleaning the gutters, checking for signs of damage, and addressing minor issues before they turn into major ones.

8. Not Considering Roofing Warranties

Roofing warranties serve as a form of insurance, offering you protection against manufacturing defects and workmanship errors. However, it’s crucial to understand the terms and conditions of these warranties. Some actions, like improper installation or unauthorized repairs, could potentially void your warranty, leaving you with out-of-pocket expenses for any subsequent issues. Hence, always ensure that the installation is carried out as per the manufacturer’s specifications and that only authorized personnel carry out repairs or modifications to your roof.

9. Installing New Shingles Over Old Ones

It might seem logical and cost-effective to simply layer new shingles over old, damaged ones, but this approach can lead to problems down the line. For one, the extra layer of shingles adds more weight to your roof, potentially straining the structure. Additionally, the uneven surface of the old shingles could affect the placement of the new ones, leading to gaps where water can seep in. It’s always best to remove the old shingles, inspect the roof deck for damage, and then install the new shingles on a clean, smooth surface.

10. Forgetting Gutters and Downspouts

Gutters and downspouts play an essential role in your roofing system by directing water away from your home, thus preventing water damage. However, they often get neglected because they are out of sight. Regular maintenance of gutters and downspouts involves clearing debris that might cause blockages, checking for cracks or leaks, and ensuring that they are firmly attached to your home. Without proper care, overflowing gutters can lead to water seeping into your home or damaging your home’s foundation.

11. Not Planning for Roof Replacement

Finally, it’s crucial to remember that roofs don’t last forever. Different roofing materials have different lifespans, and even with the best care and maintenance, you will eventually need a roof replacement. Not planning for this inevitable expense can lead to a lot of stress when the time comes. By saving a little each year, researching the best roofing materials for your home, and staying on top of maintenance, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free roof replacement process when the time comes.

In conclusion, many common roofing mistakes can be easily avoided with a little knowledge and the right professional help. Remember, your roof is your home’s first line of defense against the elements. Treat it with care, and it will take care of you. So, are you ready to avoid these common roofing mistakes?


1. How often should I get my roof inspected?

  • A good rule of thumb is to have your roof inspected at least twice a year, preferably during spring and fall.

2. Can I install a new roof by myself?

  • While it’s technically possible, we strongly recommend hiring a professional to ensure proper installation and safety.

3. How long should a roof last?

  • On average, a roof should last around 20-30 years. However, this can vary depending on the materials used and the level of maintenance performed.

4. What are some signs my roof needs replacing?

  • Signs your roof may need replacing include frequent leaks, sagging, and a large number of missing or damaged shingles.

5. What kind of maintenance does a roof require?

  • Regular inspections, cleaning of gutters, repair of minor damages, and checking for signs of aging are all part of routine roof maintenance.

July 6, 2023by dealmanager

Roofing is indeed a crucial aspect of any home, a veritable cornerstone of safety and comfort. Think of it as the helmet to your house, guarding your family and all your cherished belongings against the capricious whims of Mother Nature – from blazing sun to chilling snow, from downpours of rain to gusts of wind. But the duties of your roof don’t stop there. It also serves as a critical insulator, a stalwart gatekeeper holding back the extremities of the outside temperature, ensuring that your home remains a cozy refuge, no matter what the weather has in store. And let’s not forget, a beautifully crafted roof is also a head-turner, adding that extra dash of aesthetic appeal to your house, and enhancing its value both in your eyes and for potential future buyers.

So, if you’re nestled in the heart of Clifton, New Jersey, and find yourself looking for the right craftsman, the ideal roofing contractor who can provide you with a roof that is not only durable and reliable but also complements the beauty of your home, then rest easy. You’ve navigated the broad expanse of the internet and arrived at the right destination. Here, we will guide you through the journey of selecting the best possible roofing contractor suited for your specific needs.

Understanding the Importance of Your Roof

In our homes, we often overlook the silent sentinel that is on the roof. It’s far more than just an overhead shelter or a basic protective cover. In fact, your roof is a meticulously designed, multi-layered system that dons multiple hats, ensuring that your house stands sturdy and comfortable. This is the case whether we’re talking about roofing in Clifton NJ, or anywhere else across the globe – maintaining your roof in peak condition is of the utmost importance.

How To Choose the Right Roofing Contractor

The Role of the Roof

  1. Protection:  First and foremost, your roof acts as your home’s frontline defense against the weather. Be it a scorching summer sun, a relentless winter snowstorm, a furious wind, or an unpredictable downpour – the roof stands guard, ensuring that everything inside the home remains dry and safe. It’s the sentry on duty round the clock, keeping you and your belongings secure from various weather conditions.
  2. Insulation:  Next, your roof is a critical player in the game of temperature regulation. It prevents heat loss during the chilly winters and repels excess heat in the scorching summers. By doing so, it works tirelessly to maintain a comfortable temperature inside your home, thus reducing your dependence on artificial heating or cooling, and contributing to lower energy bills.
  3. Aesthetics:  Beyond the practical roles, your roof also has an aesthetic duty to perform. It contributes significantly to your home’s curb appeal, thereby enhancing its overall value. A well-maintained, stylish roof can make your home stand out in your neighborhood, creating that perfect first impression on visitors or potential buyers.

Key Factors in Choosing a Roofing Contractor

Embarking on a roofing project, be it a new installation or repairs, is not a task to be taken lightly. It’s not about calling in just any handyman or a jack of all trades. You’re entrusting the safety and comfort of your home to this professional, and therefore, you must ensure that you’re hiring a Clifton roofer who is not just reliable but also comes with a wealth of experience and a honed set of skills.

This decision of selecting the right roofing contractor becomes even more critical when you consider that a well-executed roofing job can add years to the lifespan of your roof and save you from frequent, costly repairs. So, don’t rush, take your time, do your due diligence, and select the contractor who ticks all the boxes for reliability, experience, skills, and of course, fits within your budget.

Reputation and Reviews

In this digital age, reviews serve as modern word-of-mouth, telling you a lot about a company’s reliability, quality of work, and customer service. Hunting for the perfect roofers in Clifton NJ? Take a moment to dig into their reviews across multiple platforms. Look for patterns in their reviews – are they consistently rated high? Do clients praise their professionalism and work quality? Any recurring complaints?

Don’t just focus on the star ratings; delve into the content of the reviews as well. Detailed reviews can often shed light on how the company handles complications, punctuality, cleanliness, and respect for the client’s property. Remember, a roofing contractor with a consistently good track record is likely to deliver a satisfactory service.

Licenses and Insurance

The construction industry, including roofing, is heavily regulated to ensure that the job is carried out safely and to a certain standard. In Clifton, and indeed, in many parts of the country, roofing contractors are required to be licensed and insured.

A license is not just a piece of paper; it’s an assurance that the contractor has undergone the necessary training, has a certain level of skill and knowledge, and complies with the local building codes and regulations. Hiring a licensed contractor means that your roofing project is in the hands of a qualified professional.

Similarly, insurance plays a vital role in protecting you from potential liabilities. If an accident happens on your property during the project, you wouldn’t want to be held financially responsible. The contractor’s insurance takes care of that, giving you peace of mind.


When it comes to Clifton roofing, or indeed roofing anywhere, there’s no substitute for experience. Roofing is a complex job that goes beyond just nailing down shingles. An experienced contractor would have a deep understanding of different roofing materials, their proper installation, and suitable solutions for different situations.

A seasoned roofer would know how to handle unexpected challenges that may crop up during the project, be it structural issues, mold, or damage that were not visible during the initial inspection. They can provide you with valuable advice on maintaining your roof and making it last longer. So, before you hire, consider the years of experience a contractor brings to the table – it could make a significant difference to the outcome of your project.

Questions to Ask Potential Roofing Contractors

When you’re interviewing potential roofers in Clifton NJ, there are several questions you should ask to ensure that you’re making the best choice for your roofing needs.

  1. How long have you been in business?
  2. Can you provide references from previous clients?
  3. Do you offer a warranty on your work?
  4. What are your plans for safety and contingencies?
  5. What’s your timeline for completion?

Choosing the right roofing contractor is a critical decision. Take your time, do your research, and ask the right questions. And remember, when it comes to roofing Clifton NJ, go for experience, reliability, and reputation.


1. Why is it essential to hire a licensed and insured roofing contractor?

A licensed contractor has proven their skill and knowledge, while insurance protects you from liability in case of accidents on your property.

2. What should I look for in reviews of Clifton roofers?

Look for reviews that speak to the contractor’s reliability, quality of work, and customer service.

3. How important is experience when it comes to Clifton roofing?

Experience is critical. An experienced roofer will be able to handle any situation that arises and will know the best solutions for your needs.

4. What questions should I ask potential roofers in Clifton NJ?

Ask about their experience, references, warranty, safety plans, and timeline for completion.

5. How can I ensure I’m making the best choice formy roofing needs?

Do your research, ask the right questions, and prioritize contractors with a good reputation, extensive experience, and a proven track record.

June 29, 2023by dealmanager

Your home, undeniably, is your sanctuary, your personal retreat. It bestows upon you the luxury of shelter, ensconcing you in a cocoon of warmth and comfort after a long day. It’s where you make lifelong memories, celebrate joyous occasions, and find solace in solitude. However, amid the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, one critical aspect of our homes often gets overlooked — the roof.

As the guardian of our dwellings, the roof valiantly shields us from the caprices of weather, be it the relentless sun, torrential rain, howling winds, or biting snow. Yet, are we reciprocating this unwavering protection with the care and attention it deserves? Do we devote enough time to its upkeep to ensure it remains our stalwart protector for years to come? Sadly, for many of us, the answer is a resounding no.

That’s where regular roofing maintenance steps in. Much like an annual health check-up, consistent roofing maintenance acts as a diagnostic tool, detecting potential issues before they snowball into severe problems. It not only assures the longevity of your roof but also reinforces its resistance against the elements, safeguarding the integrity of your cherished home.

In this comprehensive post, we aim to shed light on the nuts and bolts of roof maintenance, driving home its significance and outlining practical tips to keep your roof robust and in prime condition. We invite you on this journey to unravel the art of roofing maintenance, as we equip you with the knowledge to ensure your roof’s durability — turning it into an impregnable shield for your fortress.

Understanding the Importance of Roof Maintenance

Many people fall into the trap of thinking roof maintenance is only about fixing leaks or replacing damaged shingles. This perception, however, only scratches the surface. Roof maintenance is an all-encompassing, proactive approach designed to save you substantial repair costs down the line.

By conducting regular inspections and addressing minor issues promptly, you can extend your roof’s lifespan by several years. This might lead you to wonder, “how is that possible?” To answer this question, we must dive deeper into the intricacies of roof maintenance.

The Unseen Consequences of Neglecting Roof Maintenance

At the heart of every home stands the roof, a silent sentinel weathering the elements, day in and day out. The sun’s relentless rays, the unyielding downpour of rain, the icy touch of snow, and the raw power of wind – these forces continually act upon your roof, causing gradual wear and tear.

Over time, this relentless exposure can significantly weaken your roof. This deterioration can manifest in various ways, such as leaks, mold growth, structural damage, and in extreme cases, even total collapse. The damages pose significant threats to the safety and comfort of your home, transforming it from a sanctuary to a potential hazard.

Roofing Maintenance 101: Tips For A Durable Roof

Beyond the physical damage, there are financial repercussions to consider. Without preventive maintenance, minor issues can balloon into major problems, resulting in costly repairs or even an entire roof replacement.

Financial Implications

One might argue that preventive maintenance is an unnecessary expense. This perspective, however, is a little shortsighted. While it’s true that regular inspections and minor fixes have their associated costs, these expenses pale in comparison to the financial burden of dealing with a severely damaged roof.

Preventive maintenance is a strategic investment in your home’s longevity. Regular inspections and timely repairs help mitigate major issues that could require substantial financial resources to rectify. Simply put, a little spent on prevention can save a lot on a cure.

Practical Tips For Maintaining Your Roof

Having delved into the ‘why’ of roof maintenance, we now transition into the ‘how.’ There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to maintaining your roof, but here are some universal tips that can help preserve your roof’s durability and lifespan.

Regular Inspections

Think of regular inspections as the backbone of your roof maintenance strategy. These assessments allow you to monitor your roof’s health, spotting potential issues before they escalate into bigger problems.

Seasonal examinations are particularly crucial, especially following harsh weather conditions that could have strained your roof. These timely checks provide a window of opportunity to address minor issues, preventing them from becoming costly repairs. This way, regular inspections serve as your first line of defense in roof maintenance, laying a solid foundation for a durable roof.

Cleaning The Gutters

Gutters, often overlooked, play a vital role in your roof’s health. They act as a drainage system, directing water away from your roof. However, clogged gutters can turn from friend to foe, causing water to pool on your roof and potentially leading to leaks and water damage. This predicament is especially prevalent during the fall season when falling leaves are likely to block gutters.

To avoid this issue, make gutter cleaning a regular part of your roof maintenance routine. Regularly clearing out debris, such as leaves and twigs, will ensure water can flow freely off your roof. This simple act of upkeep can be pivotal in maintaining your roof’s integrity over the long term.

Checking For Damages

Roof damage can manifest in various ways, one of the most common being cracked, loose, or missing shingles. These seemingly minor issues, if left unattended, can escalate into serious problems. Regularly inspect your roof for such damages and take prompt action to repair them.

Areas around chimneys, vents, and skylights demand extra attention as they are often the hotspots for leaks. Make sure to give these areas a thorough inspection. Early detection and repair can save you from more extensive and costly damage down the line.

Mind The Moss

Moss, with its verdant hue, might add a quaint charm to your roof, but don’t let its harmless appearance fool you. Moss is no friend to your roof. It retains moisture and over time, this moisture can cause your shingles to rot. This can result in leaks, causing both external and internal damage.

If you notice moss on your roof, don’t delay its removal. Various moss removal products are available in the market, or you can hire a professional to handle the job. Remember, early action can prevent further damage to your roof.

The Need for Professionals: Expertise Matters

While you can certainly handle some roof maintenance tasks, there are certain areas where professional expertise becomes indispensable. Hiring professionals for regular roof inspections can be beneficial in the long run. They are trained to identify potential issues that might escape an untrained eye.

Professional roofing contractors bring their extensive experience to bear, assessing not just the surface but also the underlying health of your roof. They can provide expert advice tailored to your roof’s specific type and age, helping you optimize your maintenance strategy.

In conclusion, while roof maintenance might seem daunting, breaking it down into manageable tasks makes it far more approachable. With a combination of regular inspections, proactive repairs, and professional help, you can ensure that your roof remains a sturdy shield over your head, adding years to its life and peace to your mind.

Why Hire a Professional?

Professional roofers have the training and experience to detect problems that may not be evident to the untrained eye. They can also offer expert advice on maintaining your roof based on its type and age.

Remember, your roof is your first line of defense against the elements. It shelters you and your loved ones, so it deserves your attention and care. Roof maintenance is an ongoing task, not a one-time project. By taking proactive measures, you can ensure your roof stays sturdy and durable for years to come.

June 20, 2023by dealmanager

Top 5 Roofing Materials For Long-lasting Protection

Selecting the ideal roofing material for your home transcends superficial factors such as looks. It’s about securing long-term protection, ensuring your sanctuary stands strong against the elements for years to come. To simplify this crucial decision, we’ve meticulously curated a list of the top five roofing materials. These materials not only bring visual appeal to the table but also boast exceptional durability and longevity, striking a balance that’s sure to resonate with discerning homeowners.

Asphalt Shingles: The Classic Choice

Asphalt shingles have been a popular choice among homeowners for many decades. Why? Because they offer a well-rounded blend of affordability, versatility, and durability. Available in a variety of colors and styles, asphalt shingles can mimic the look of more expensive materials, allowing homeowners to achieve the desired look without breaking the bank. On top of that, with proper installation and maintenance, asphalt shingles can last for 20-30 years.

Asphalt Shingle Clifton NJ

Types of Asphalt Shingles

When it comes to asphalt shingles, it’s essential to know that all are not created equal. There are primarily two types of asphalt shingles you’ll encounter in the market, each with its unique characteristics and advantages.

  1. 3-Tab Shingles: 3-Tab Shingles stands as the most basic type of asphalt shingles available. Their name derives from their design, which features three individual tabs of equal size, leading to a flat and uniform appearance across the roof. They’re beloved by many homeowners for their simplicity, affordability, and ease of installation. In addition, their single size and shape can seamlessly integrate into a wide range of architectural styles, making them a versatile option.
  2. Architectural Shingles:  On the other side of the asphalt shingle spectrum, we have architectural shingles. Also known as dimensional shingles, they stand out with their multi-dimensional appearance and the thick, robust design they bring to the table. What sets them apart is their ability to mimic the look of high-end roofing materials such as wood or slate, giving your home an upscale aesthetic without the accompanying price tag. Beyond their aesthetic value, architectural shingles are known for their enhanced durability, often outlasting their 3-tab counterparts.

Metal Roofing: For Ultimate Longevity

In the modern roofing market, metal roofing is a powerhouse that’s quickly gaining favor among homeowners. This shift is primarily due to the numerous strengths it brings, starting with its standout durability. With a life expectancy of 50-70 years, metal roofs outlive most other roofing materials by a substantial margin.

In addition to their longevity, metal roofs offer robust protection against many common threats. Whether it’s a roaring fire, rot from moisture, pesky insects, or the spreading tendrils of mildew, a metal roof stands defiant. This resilience to varied threats makes metal roofs a worry-free choice for homeowners, especially in regions prone to harsh weather conditions.

Metal Roofing Clifton NJ

Benefits of Metal Roofing

Metal roofing isn’t just about durability and long life expectancy; it also brings with it a host of other benefits that can make it an even more attractive choice.

  1. Highly Durable:  One of the prime advantages of metal roofs is their ability to withstand harsh weather conditions. Be it howling winds, heavy snowfall, or intense sun rays, metal roofs can take it all in stride. This exceptional resilience to varied weather conditions ensures that your home stays protected all year round, no matter what Mother Nature throws at it.
  2. Eco-Friendly:In an era where green building practices are becoming more important than ever, metal roofing shines bright. A significant percentage of metal roofs are made from recycled materials, reducing their carbon footprint from the get-go.But the eco-friendliness of metal roofs doesn’t stop at installation. Once their long life comes to an end, instead of ending up in a landfill, they can be completely recycled, creating a circular lifecycle that’s beneficial for our planet. This eco-friendly aspect adds yet another feather to the cap of metal roofing, making it an excellent choice for the eco-conscious homeowner.

Clay and Concrete Tiles: Exuding Elegance

Nothing speaks to the beauty and grandeur of architecture quite like clay and concrete tiles. These roofing materials exude an air of elegance and sophistication that can elevate the aesthetic appeal of any home. While these types of tiles tend to have a higher upfront cost than asphalt shingles, their longevity – typically spanning over 50 years – can more than makeup for it. It’s a classic case of paying for quality, and in this instance, that quality lasts for generations.

Advantages of Clay and Concrete Tiles

Here are the advantages of these materials:

  1. Aesthetic Appeal:  One of the most remarkable advantages of clay and concrete tiles lies in their unparalleled aesthetic appeal. With their distinct look and diverse range of shapes, sizes, and colors, these tiles can lend a unique character to your house, enhancing its curb appeal manifold. The aesthetic versatility of these materials allows them to complement various architectural styles – from Mediterranean to contemporary – adding a touch of class and timeless elegance.
  2. Fire Resistance:  When it comes to safety, clay and concrete tiles stand tall as both these materials possess excellent fire-resistant properties. This means that they can effectively withstand high temperatures and retard the spread of fire, providing an added layer of safety to your home. So, by opting for these materials, you’re not only investing in a roof that’s visually stunning but also one that’s designed to protect.

Slate Roofing: Unparalleled in Durability

If there’s a roofing material that has stood the test of time in terms of durability and longevity, it’s slate. Touted as the gold standard among roofing materials, slate’s robustness is nearly unrivaled. With the potential to endure for a century or more, a properly installed slate roof isn’t just a home improvement – it’s a long-term investment that can benefit your home for generations.

Slate Roofing Clifton NJ

Why Choose Slate Roofing?

  1. Aesthetic Appeal:  Choosing slate for your roof isn’t merely about durability. Slate’s natural variation in color, shape, and texture brings an inimitable and beautiful aesthetic to the table. Each piece of slate is unique, giving your roof a one-of-a-kind appearance that can transform your home into an architectural masterpiece.
  2. Fire Resistance:  Much like clay and concrete tiles, slate shares the attribute of excellent fire resistance. This natural stone is virtually impervious to fire, which can provide homeowners with peace of mind knowing their home is protected from potential fire hazards. This added level of security further underscores why slate roofing is a trusted and valued choice among homeowners.

Wood Shingles and Shake: For A Rustic Charm

Few roofing materials can match the quaint, rustic charm that wood shingles and shakes bring to a home. These materials impart a warm, inviting appeal that effortlessly blends with nature, creating a serene and tranquil aesthetic. While these roofing options do demand a bit more in terms of maintenance, when properly cared for, they can serve as a protective shield for your home for up to 30 years or more.

Advantages of Wood Shingles and Shakes

  1. Natural Insulation:  Wood shingles and shakes offer more than just visual appeal. One of the most significant advantages of these materials is their natural insulating properties. Wood is an excellent insulator, offering better thermal resistance than many other commonly used roofing materials. This means that homes with wood roofs tend to stay warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, enhancing indoor comfort while potentially lowering energy costs.
  2. Eco-Friendly:  In a world increasingly conscious of environmental impacts, wood shingles and shakes shine as an eco-friendly roofing option. If sourced responsibly from sustainably managed forests, wood roofing can be a renewable resource that contributes less to waste and pollution. Plus, at the end of its lifespan, wood roofing materials can be recycled or composted, minimizing their environmental impact further. Opting for wood shingles and shakes not only equips your home with a stunning roof but also supports sustainable practices, making it a win-win choice.

The selection of roofing material can have a significant impact on the safeguarding, endurance, and visual appeal of your residence. Whether you consider the affordability of asphalt shingles, the long-lasting nature of metal roofing, the sophistication of clay and concrete tiles, the extended lifespan of slate roofing, or the rustic charm of wood shingles, each roofing material provides its distinct advantages. We trust that this guide assists you in making an informed decision regarding the most suitable roofing material for your home while also recommending a local roofing contractor.


  1. What is the most durable roofing material? Slate roofing is considered the most durable roofing material, with a lifespan of up to a century or more.
  2. Which roofing material is most affordable? Asphalt shingles are the most affordable roofing material.
  3. Is metal roofing eco-friendly? Yes, most metal roofs are made from recycled materials and can be recycled again at the end of their life.
  4. What roofing material offers the best insulation? Wood shingles and shakes offer excellent insulation compared to many other roofing materials.
  5. Which roofing material is the most fire-resistant? Slate, clay, and concrete tiles are considered highly fire-resistant materials.

Deal Construction & Masonry

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